I received feedback from a number of guild masters from other servers that the WoW Community model that I was trying to execute was fundamentally flawed – nobody would be looking for a WoW Community named ‘Inspiration’. I was advised to start a website that was clearly for the Community.
So I did.

Our current website, inspiration-raiding.net will now be primarily for Inspiration. The menu link at the top of this page will now link to the other website.
If this is the first you’ve heard of it, the Saurfang Alliance Raiding Community is something I was working on that ultimately resulted in Inspiration being created as a guild. The objective was to provide a talking space for guild and raid leaders to help coordinate our raid strategies and manage what was becoming a very precious resource – raider availability.
Much of that danger how now been averted with the merge of the Nagrand and Caelestrasz realms (Welcome!). However, I wanted to proceed ahead with the project because it was a vision I wanted to realise. It will either work, and be a helpful tool that guilds can rely on later, or it will be a total dumpster fire that I can walk away from, relieved that I got to try it out.
Either way, I’m sure in the process we’ll get to meet some new friends.
While you’re running keys or dungeons in Shadowlands, please feel free to direct any players you meet to saurfang-raiding.net, and ask them to update their guild 🙂