Scratch another one.
Author: Malachiel
Maut Heroic Kill
Actually by now, we’ve finished AOTC, and I’m just uploading the videos.
Here’s one of our earlier Maut kills.
Heroic Wrathion Kill
At the time of writing, we’re 12/12N and 6/12H. I’ve just started using Camtasia to record our videos and am working on strategy guides for all of the bosses. The objective is so that when new players join our team, they can watch these videos to see how we get our kills done, and require minimal retraining and hit the ground running.
This is about our third week of heroic Wrathion and the team is looking very comfortable taking out the Black Emperor.
Mythic Alt-run open to the guild
Wipe it up is taking a break over Christmas. We’ll be back on January 15, starting with a Mythic Alt-run of Eternal Palace, intended to be an easy farm of the first three bosses.
All players from the guild are welcome, although as there is a limit of 20 players in Mythic, we will be favouring players from the raid team who are working to gear up new main spec toons.
We ask players to have item level 430 on their characters.
Raid time will be Wed, 15th of January, 20:00 through to 22:30.
We expect the farm bosses to all be down before 21:30 even with a raid full of alts well before then. Afterwards, we encourage players to work on the new Horrific Visions mini-dungeons with other players in the raid.
Have a safe Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Mythic Ashvane – Wiped up
Scratch another one!
The Saurfang Alliance Raiding Community (That’s Wipe it up, Cryptic and newcomers, Phalanx) have taken out the trash once more.
Only one problem – I forgot to take a screenshot of the deed. So you’ll just have to look at the sad raid leader up there (and the logs) to believe.
We all had a great time and it was super satisfying to put this one down at last. We’re looking forward to putting Orgozoa in the dirt real soon.
Halloween Raid Party
On 31st October, it’s Halloween, and you’re all invited.
Raid Murloc is hosting a heroic clear of Eternal Palace and we’re opening it up to anybody in the guild, regardless of their previous raid experience.
Characters must have an item level of 400 to participate in the run.
Extra Spooky Requirements:
1 – A scary transmog or costume! The Halloween wands are perfect.
2 – Interesting or cool toys.
Like somebody else’s transmog? Steal it with a Reflecting Prism.
Got a Brewfest Pony Keg? Share the love!
Got a train set? Drop it mid-boss fight and watch the raid leader blow his mind!
We’re looking forward to seeing you in Eternal Palace. Be online before raid start at 7:45 ST and look out for the raid invitation!
Mythic Radiance Kill Video
Mythic Blackwater Behometh Kill Video
Mythic Sivara Kill Video
Mythic Radiance – Wiped Up
What is it with bosses that mysteriously vanish when you kill them? Don’t you know we’re trying to take a kill-photo here? How rude!